The essentials


Step one: Download FTP Software

FTP client recommendations?

There are many FTP clients available for Mac, PC and Linux users. Here are some of the more popular. (Use at your own risk.)

• Mac: Transmit <–Sara’s favorite

• Mac: Cyberduck (Free)

Step two: Connect to the onelove server

Troubleshooting poor connections:

  • If you are connecting wirelessly, try to connect directly instead via Ethernet. This prevents a broken connection during long upload
  • What internet provider are you using? Very often when a team member has an issue like this, we have found that by calling your ISP and asking if there are any faster speeds available, they discover there are! In fact, at the same price often! ISP’s have new promotions every month and they do not always tell you about it unless you ask
  • If you cannot directly plug into your router, move your computer as close to the wireless base as possible!

FTP Login Credentials

PORT: 2022
Username & Password: Request from Sara


Transmit Instructions




“Add to Servers”FTPFTP

Cyberduck Instructions

Click”+”  in  bottom left corner to make a new bookmark


Select “Allow” or “Connect”


Prepping Your Files For Upload

Click here for my tips on a faster workflow

  1. Download your raw files to your computer/hard drive
  2. Rename files MMDDYYNN#### (NN = Your Initials) (#### = Please include the 0’s in front. i.e. “0001, 0002”)
    (i.e. on February 20th 2023 for Sara Wolfram: “022023SW0001”)
  3. Connect to our FTP Server and make a folder titled “MMDDYYNN” and copy onto server. (How to create a folder on Filezilla)
  4. Upload images by morning after event
  5. Send FTP Email at start of upload to: info@onelovephotography.com and sara@onelovephotography.com with 2-3 paragraphs about how the shoot went for you
  6. Verify upload was successful
  7. Email invoice to sara@onelovephotography.com directly on the 15th or last day of the month. Click here for how to invoice


Proofing/Renaming Software Recommendations

Photo Mechanic (GREAT software.. Sara uses this)

How long will it take?
Images will upload as fast as the internet connection you are working from. Most associates upload a full wedding within 3-24 hours. You can use this link to test your internet connection speed and calculate upload time based on the provided results.


Sample Email Templates

At the start of every upload, an email must be sent to BOTH sara{@}onelovephotography.com and info{@}onelovephotography.com with:


SUBJECT LINE: FTP Upload: Couple’s name

  • Wedding date
  •  Couple
  •  # of images (Please do not send XMP files)
  •  Any declined photos from the coverage list
  • Any notes from wedding (special photo requests, obscure details photographed on special request) for Sara to look for. PLEASE BE DETAILED! (Around 3-4 paragraphs)
    Such as: Groomsmen were difficult/drunk, a DJ was really helpful, you didn’t get the angle you wanted because someone blocked you, etc….
  • Did you receive a tip?
  • Did you stay overtime (and confirm with the client)?
  • Did you have to pay for parking?
  • How was it working with your fellow onelove team member?
  • Your experience with the videographer?
    • (Scale 1-3 = One: Never again! Two: Nothing memorable Three: LOVED them!)
  • Your experience with the coordinator?
    • (Scale 1-3 = One: Never again! Two: Nothing memorable Three: LOVED them!)



  • Date of Session
  • Names of subjects
  • # of images (Please do not send XMP files)
  • Location(s) Photographed At:  (This changes often.  We Need to know if you removed/replaced a location due to a specific reason.  We’ve had some shoots completely go to a different beach than planned, just because they didn’t even realize!  It’s okay as long as Client is Happy!  Other reasons: Parking, weather, change of mind, client is happy were they are at)
  • Lighting: Could we have started the shoot earlier or later to get better light?
  • Any Brief Notes to add about the shoot
  • Did you stay overtime (and confirm with the client)?


Return to The Goods

How to Confirm Your Files Completed Sending

Instructions for Transmit

1. Refresh your browser



2. Select all files.



If you notice you are missing files, continue to follow these steps below.

These missing are hard to find manually (you don’t want to count 2500 files, lol). So instead of starting all over, what you need to do is select all the files on your computer, drag them into this folder on the FTP server and drop them there again (don’t make a new folder, use the original).


It will ask you what you want to do about the files that are already there – select RESUME and it will find the missing files for you!



Instructions for Cyberduck

1. Refresh your browser



2. Open your folder. Check the file count in the bottom left corner


3. If you notice you are missing files, continue to follow these steps below.

These missing are hard to find manually (you don’t want to count 2500 files, lol). So instead of starting all over, what you need to do is select all the files on your computer, drag them into this folder on the FTP server and drop them there again (don’t make a new folder, use the original).


It will ask you what you want to do about the files that are already there – select RESUME and it will find the missing files for you!




OR – another handy option is to add this “Show File Count” to your folders!